Data Centre Installations and Up-Grades

PAC can offer fully bespoke data centre designs which are tailor made to meet each individual client’s requirements.

PAC have a very experienced and professional delivery team which are able to complete each data centre solution to a high standard and providing a flexible fully commissioned and cost effective product.

Client’s can benefit from PAC’s experience and knowledge of the industry through their working relationships with manufactures and suppliers where favourable rates, terms and delivery dates have been agreed for items such as UPS’s and back-up batteries , Switch gear , Standby generation , fire suppression , and security.

Refurbishment, up grading or replacing existing data centre support, standby or resilience equipment can be difficult and potentionaly risky or disruptive.

PAC have the knowledge and the specialist know how to confidently carry out these type of projects through the employment of robust processes which enable work to be completed safely and with the minimum impact on the building user and the resilience systems.



30,000sq ft technical fit out Read More


180,000sq ft technical fit out   Read More